Monday 21 March 2011

Postmodernism- Album Covers

Whilst studying postmodernism we applied our knowledge to album covers which has relevance to the A2 media coursework as we have to create our own. Examples of postmodern album covers are as followed:
The Clash- 'London Calling' 
  • Conventionally this album is very traditional as it has the album name, band name and a picture of the artist
  • The whole of the album codes youthful frustration which is conveyed through the artist smashing his guitar
  • Punk Rock is coded through the costume
  • The album has an 'edge' to it, which is reflected through the black and white image however the image also gives it come conviction and a class feel which is a juxtaposition the font used
  • The font is very playful, colourful and cartoon like and by this clear juxtaposition draws the attention of the audience to the album
  • This cover is an example of an hommage to Elvis's first album as they both have the balck and white image and colourful font
  • The seriousness of The Clash's cover shows that it is a recognition and respect to Elvis

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