Wednesday 9 March 2011

Introduction to Postmodernism

As we are about to sit our A2 level Media exam we have started to learn the content, Postmodernism. Before I share my notes made in class about postmodern album covers and what we have learnt and discussed in class, I have additionally researched online for different definitions of the Postmodern movement.
Follow the links below to the websites which I have found most useful and interesting whilst researching:
Glossary Definition:
The Po-Mo page:
Postmodernism: relates to the idea that all originality has gone and that it is no longer to create a new piece of art either it being in music or writing (novels).
Intertextuality/Postmodern allusions: making reference/alluding to other meida texts.
Hybridity: merging or clashing or genres.
Parody: mocking to original text e.g. Scary Movie
Intertextuality: a nutural reference.
Hommage: celebrating the original text.

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