Wednesday 30 March 2011

Filming the performance

We have been working really hard on filming the performance part for our video, as this was a common comment on the responses after the showcase. As we were unable to use the drama space after school due to the space being used for GCSE drama plays. Howevere to every cloud there is a silver lining and for us this was in the form of the stage in the hall still being set up from the dance show, meaning black floor and black curtains, perfect! We stayed behind till 5:15 and filmed everything that we needed. Also a comment from the showcase was to perform it more to the genre, therefore I had to be more 'angry' and rocky, which I believe I achieved. Overall I feel that this filming session went really well, we even filmed Elliot's part of the narrative. So all we have got left to do now is to import all the performance in Final Cut Express and get editing.

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