Thursday 7 April 2011

Rough Cut 2

This is the second rough cut of our video. We showed this to our teacher Mrs Thrasher and got some really good feedback which will help us progress that bit further to establish a higher grade.

Changes that were suggested:
  • 00:51 - Sitting on the floor - possibly longer as this holds more suspense than the blackout
  • 01:00 - Centre the shot as the singer is to one side of the screen
  • 01:12 - When she is going down the stairs she should progress further
  • 01:35 - More of the artist as this is what the audience are watching to see
  • 02:00 - Maybe change the shot
  • 02:20 - Zoom in closer
  • 02:50 - Maybe change the shot
  • 02:55 - Zoom in or make the shot longer
  • 03:00 - I think this part is slightly out of sync 

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