Monday 7 February 2011

Evaluation- Filming Sunday 6th Febuary

On the following Monday in our Media Lesson we watched back all that we had filmed the day before. Jamie being so organised had catergorised all the clips into named folders making it easier to edit and watch back as we can identify the scenes. Overall the clips show a good day of hard work as we had filmed the following scenes successfully:

  • The suicide in the bathroom- this included the act in the bath; this meant that I had to get in a bath fully clothed and go under the water many of times which was not fun but I took one for the team!
  • 'Adventures in Claybury'- what we filmed here can be used as snippits to show the characters fight for freedom. This involved me running around the open fields and sitting in the forest looking glum which was very hard for me!
  • Taking 'Drugs'- putting paracetamol in my mouth numerous amounts of time resulted in the taste lingering in my mouth the rest of the day, not nice.
  • Bedroom Scenes- this involved the three of us (Jamie, Elliot and Myself) cramming into my very small room and filming myself on the bed and in the mirror.
As a group I feel that we worked very well together getting this filmed and that we incorporated everyones ideas, which will hopefully mean a good end product of a music video. 

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