After showing our first rough cut version of the video at the class showcase we recieved some great feedback and helpful constructive criticism which will help us to progress to create a really good end product, hopefully. Our fellow classmates had to fill in an audience feedback sheet which had the following questions on:
- What was especially good about the music video?
- Would you watch this again? If yes why, if no, why not?
- Did you notices any serious issues such as continuity errors, strange edits-Did anything not make sense to you?
Here is some of the feedback that as a group we recieved:
- What was especially good about the music video?
'The quick cuts at the end of the video'
'Editing on the beat'
'It made sense, looked very professional'
'Good use of colour corrector'
'Great closing shot'
- Would you watch this again? If yes, why, if no, why not?
'Yes, I like the song'
'Yes, good shots and edits'
'Yes, there was an element of suspense created, you leanr about the character which makes you want to watch more'
- Did you notice any serious issues such as continuity errors, strange edits-Did anything not make sense to you?
'There were some shots missing'
'Within the chours the quick edits weren't used, I had lost interest'
'Some shots were too long'
'The field shots get to repetitive'
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