Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Marketing a Band- 'The Fleurbelles'

To have a full understanding of how bands are marketed to the current audience, in pairs we had to create a pitch ,in powerpoint, of a new band (fake band) and include what techniques of marketting we would use to market our band, 'The Fleurbelles'.
Ways of marketing
  • The internet- the internet can be used in many ways to sell a band. Through social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace and Twitter allow fans to be updated of the bands movements (for example competitions, gig dates, pictures of band events), also these websites can also be used to post their songs for fans to listen to.
     Another source of the internet that can be used to sell a new band is legal downloading through sites such as
    I tunes and Spotify. I tunes has recently installed a new programme 'Ping', this works on the same basis as social networking sites allowing fans to recommend, rate and chat about the songs that are listening to.
     Online shopping websites, for example
    Amazon and, are also good for marketing a band as 'hard copies' of the albums can be sold to fans.
      An additional use of the internet is through
    YouTube, a website where vidoes can be posted and shared frequently. This include bands music videos and behind the scene vidoes of photoshoots, gigs etc.
     A fully established
    bands website markets the band as biographies of the band members are on there, updates of the bands movements, fan chat, street team (where fans are sent flyers and posters to pass on the friends etc), videos, merchandise is sold and much more.
  • Gigs, Tours, Festivals and Support artists- all of these forms of live music will help market a band and broaden their audience.
  • Radio- radio play and interviews will establish the bands identity and target audience.
'The Fleurbelles' presentation
This presentation was created to market the fake band 'The Fleurbelles', and consists of information of how we decided to market this new girl band.

1 comment:

  1. Research and consider what Radiohead have done recently. Some good comments here.
