To edit the lip-syncing task I have used the Final Cut Express software on the macs. To use this program effectively and to learn how to edit the footage, each assigned group were given a tutorial pack providing the basic guidelines of the software. After studying these guidelines, and having a practice and exploring with the software I learnt the skills to edit a film. I learnt how to input the footage, cut tools and edits between the different shots. After completing this part of the work I feel comfortable with the editing software, Final Cut Express.
What do you now know about lip-syncing that you will use to help you complete your real music video?
After completing this small section of work on lip-syncing I have learnt many things about the art of it e.g:
- To make the lip-syncing seem realistic is too actually sing along to the track performing
- To make sure that you are confident with the words and timing of the song
- The skills I have achieved from the editing process on Final Cut Express these skills consist of; the transitions between clips, the cut tool, inputting the music in time with the video, making sure that the singing is in sync.
- To have fun!!